Clinical Trial Recruitment

Comprehensive Recruitment Standards and Guidelines

Subject recruitment has long been recognized as a fundamental element of success for any clinical trial. Failure to meet recruitment goals can have devastating and costly impacts to any drug program, so the need for a reliable database of study volunteers and proven, and effective recruitment campaigns are paramount.

Over the years at BioPharma, the Recruitment Team have implemented a comprehensive approach to trial recruitment that has built our database to over tens of thousands of compliant, well-informed and willing study participants including special populations. Developing strong relationships with our subject volunteers, building rapport and simply treating them with civility and honesty builds mutual trust and respect to ensure the integrity and reliability of the data they produce.

We adhere to FDA and Health Canada recommendations to ensure volunteer safety. Learn more about our response to COVID-19.

With a current database of 18,000+ active subject participants between our two clinical sites, our healthy volunteer segments are:


Healthy males and females
Recreational drug users
(opioid, cannabinoids & stimulants)
Post-menopausal and/or surgically sterile females
Specialty Ethnic Groups
(ie. Caucasians, Asians, etc.)

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